How can we help you?
Peter Hansen CEO
As one of the leading printing brokers in the Nordic retail sector, we’ve got solid experience that can guarantee you the best solutions for your needs. We’re ready to recommend the best printing solutions based on your needs, goals, price and quality. For better or for worse, we’ve learned from market experience and that has shown us the way to the best and most loyal partners.
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Peter Hansen CEO
No jobs are too big – or too small. So when small and medium-sized companies as well as private/public institutions believe that Contigo isn’t prepared to print in smaller runs. It is simply a misunderstandning. We’re geared up for everything: from 1,000 to 30,000,000 copies – and always with competitive prices.
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Michael Frank
There are many expressions in the graphics world, and professionals have a tendency to throw them around a bit without thinking about the difficulty that those without experience in production may have in translating them. We have therefore provided you with an alphabetical list of the most commonly used terms and a number of relevant articles, so we don’t talk at cross purposes from the outset.
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Maria Lee Dommergaard
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